Desi Bridget Jones Diary

Love, Life, Relationships and a touch of the Divine!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Know thy awesomeness

I’ve been reading a couple of comments on my twitter timeline from 30 year olds who bemoan the big ‘three oh’. Well, looking back from the vantage point of years later, what would I tell my 30 year old self?

1.      1.       One day, when you’re in your 40”s you’ll look back and think the 30’s were the years you were in your prime – health wise, career wise. So enjoy this phase to the hilt!

2.       Reaching the 30’s does not mean the din of the ticking biological clock drowns out the voice inside. Marrying for the wrong reasons invariably means squandering some of your best years in misery.

3.       We all make mistakes. No one is perfect. It’s ok. You’re ok. So be kind to yourself.

4.       Dump the guy who treats you badly.  But figure out why you attracted this man in the first place lest you end up playing relationship roulette - “same jerk, different face”.

5.       Know thy awesomeness; you are much prettier and smarter than you think. Someone once told me: “you are so cool and don’t know it’.  I wish I’d known it then. 

6.       Experiment; this is the time you can go out on a limb workwise; if you had to do something different do it now. You have enough time to join the rat race again. My ‘experimental’ year while not being the best monetarily was the richest year of my life.

7.       Give love a chance – over and over again. Relationships are one of the ways we grow and understand ourselves better.  Life is good. God is good – if you believe so.

8.       Travel and see the world; do the treks and hikes that you can do so easily with youth. With the passing of years, the will and wallet is strong but the flesh is weak.  There is so much to see, do and experience in our country and in the world; don’t waste those years.

9.       You will look back with fondness on your photos one day and think, “Boy, did I look hot!” So no, you are not too fat.

10.   There is always time for coffee with the girls.  Your girlfriends are your stalwarts through life; through the ups and downs of men, mother in laws and the inevitable next “big oh”. 

Brigit: I think I can write a book called the’ Ten commandments ’

God: Sorry – that’s under copyright. Moses would overturn in his grave at the thought

Brigit: I think we could do with an overhaul though; that was more than 2000 years ago; before the digital world

God: Ah, so human beings and relationships are going to be different in the ‘digital world’?

Brigit: Well, here I am talking to virtual people in a virtual world; surely the rules must be different.  “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife “will be “Thou shalt not friend thy neighbor’s wife on Facebook.”  “Thou shalt keep the Sabbath day holy” will be “Thou shalt not log onto the internet on Sunday”  and of course the 'small still' voice of the Lord shall be a quiet tweet..

God: Good grief! I have only 140 characters to speak to mankind now?!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Return of the Magi

After the long hiatus I now return. Evidently no one missed me. Hrmp! Looks like the internet is pretty much like real life.

Now that my priority has shifted from love and Prince Charming to getting to the bottom of what really makes people succeed in life, I’ve spent the past few days just listening to calls hosted by various speakers on sites like Awakening to Abundance and Your Life without Limits.

All these calls talk about the ‘inner’ energy and how your mind affects your outer reality etc. - The Secret 101 if you ask me.  After listening to these calls all day, it is so good to just let go, shut off the computer, sit quietly and just MEDITATE. Yes, that’s it – do nothing. No listening, no visualization, no chanting; absolutely nothing  – what a relief! The ancient Himalayan masters have been doing this from time immemorial; time to get back to my roots I say.

So I’m going to shut down now. Sit quietly and meditate. Shhh….
God: Hello!

Brigit: Shhh… I can’t talk – can’t you see I’m trying to meditate.

God: No one has time for me anymore in today’s world with the internet and technology and what not; I’d have better luck if I was an app.

Brigit: Shhh - I’m trying to listen to the ‘still small voice’ inside of me which according to the bible is GOD speaking. 

God: Hrmp! Narcissism – thy name is Brigit

Brigit: Hey!  I heard that ok?!

God: Ah… the ‘still small voice’ I presume?